Thursday, 13 October 2011

ESt Overview; by Lahung Wan

            I think we learned a lot of things from the English Studies throughout this semester. From the short stories and the poems, each of them has new aspects for us to learn and understand.

            What we learned from the literature is the literary devices that are in the short stories and poems such as personification, simile, metaphors and hyperbole. Of course, we had known these literary devices from our secondary schools but now, we study the literary or poetic devices more through and detailed. With the guidance of the lecturer who ceaselessly explains and gives examples of the literary devices, we understand and know more than what we had known from the secondary school. Learning literature now are far more different than we had before as we are taking the learning to a higher level where we need to go through the literature deeper, digging every literary and poetic devices that the short story or poem contain.

            Other than that, we also learned about the values that the short stories and poems brought. Every piece of the literature contains its own values which are left for us to explore. As we are learning the short stories and poems, we found that every pieces of the literature look at the life from various perspective.

            As a conclusion, I found that learning the literature is much fun because it need deep exploration and explanation based on references and our own understanding.