Thursday 12 January 2012

Reflections on Designing the Cover for Florence by Safri Anugerah Illahi

My role in designing the book cover I came out with the basic idea of the book cover. Of course, my team members help me up by contributing great ideas on how we should improvise the cover book.

Frankly, my team members appreciate every single idea that we up with and we discuss all the ideas and chose the best of the rest of our ideas. They appreciate and accepts my ideas because my ideas are significant and make sense in this task.

I learnt on how I should think creatively in order to design the book cover since designing itself needs some creative ideas which will make it a success. I also learnt on how important group discussion as I discussed on how to design the book cover with all my team members. Lastly, I improved my skills in Microsoft Publisher while designing this book cover.

Sunday 8 January 2012

My Thoughts On Drama by Safri Anugerah Illahi

  •      I was quite unfamiliar with drama and play but I like would like to give it a try. I watched a play once and it was quite an interesting experience and I hope I will have the chance to watch other dramas again. I think there's no problem for me to spend my money on play or drama since drama is excellent and worth to spend money on.
  • Sincerely, I don't have any clue to what to expect from any drama. Well perhaps, I expect the drama will deliver a good message and yet entertaining with excellent act from the actors.
  • I love to watch movies and play and yet, it triggers my interest to be a part of those. So, I think I can be a part of play and I'm looking forward to act a play.